Things that have caught my eye this week - 29th July - 5th August
This week it's all about History, Childhood Studies, and Periodicals! - A digest of interesting things in the world of academia: CFPs, events and blogs.
Blogs: Laura King at the University of Leeds took a thoughtful look at the history of childhood and how this historical perspective can inform present and future conversations about childhood in today's society: 'Children and Childhood in history - does it matter today?'
This blog post introduces some of the key questions to be discussed at a Workshop at King's College, London on Children’s benefit or burden? Workshop exploring young people’s portrayals, past and present, which will bring together NGOs, policy makers and historians.
Following on from last week's post, Jennie Bachelor from the University of Kent has been reflecting on the Lady's Magazine and Minerva Press after BARS2015.Those interested in this, may wish to take note of the Conference: Communities of Communication II: Newspapers and Periodicals in Britain and Ireland from 1800 to 1900 taking place at the National Library of Scotland on the 10th and 11th of September.
MOOC: I've been keenly following University of Sheffield's MOOC on 'Literature of the English Country House', which is now in its final week. I have been finding the blog posts particularly enjoyable to read. You can catch up here. I will try to condense some of my thoughts on this MOOC in a future post.
CFP: Finally, the Historical Perspectives Seminar's call for papers has a deadline of the 31st August. This history society at the University of Glasgow is a good forum for postgraduate students to present on their work. They are accepting abstracts for 20-minute papers across a range of themes.